Postpartum Care . . .
I am passionate about postpartum care.
We used to live closer to our friends, mothers, sisters and older, wiser people in our family. They knew which soups to make, knew when to take the crying baby so parents could sleep and heal, knew when diapers were running low and the toys with which the older siblings might like to play. People would show up to do an important job - to support the family while they built a relationship with their new baby. Family nourishment, attention and care was paramount.
Now, parenting in a silo is normal, if not a mark of proficiency. We are expected to entertain guests while managing a newborn, who we don’t quite entirely know ourselves. All the while clean laundry, food on the table and a tidy home are a guaranteed sign of parenting success - which replaces the time spent developing good nursing practices, healing bodies or building bonds as a new family.
There are several communities which honor the postpartum period as a time for recovery and relaxation. These communities understand that the first month (at least) is a time to be insular, to go within and to restore. New families emerge healed, nourished and connected. Statistically, we see lower rates of PMAD’s and other physical complications from childbirth when parents are given a chance to rest during this time.
"Mothering the mother" is practical and does not take away from baby care. In my practice, I want to return to a time and place where the postnatal period is considered a venerated transitional state because now it's a time where the expectation is to get back to it and return to "before" - which is untenable and unrealistic. I want to re-introduce the notion of radical-self care to my clients to remind them that healing is part of making sure your baby is well-cared for.
Postpartum services are available (and essential) for all new parents, which include parents of multiples, adoptive parents, and parents who have older children.
Rates and details available by request:
So what does a typical postpartum visit look like? Some options include:
A quick download of how the previous night/week has been. (Highlights help me frame the rest of the visit)
Answering questions about feeding, healing, sleeping or other new parenting topics
Exploring ways to heal: a massage therapist, postnatal yoga practitioner, herbalist or another healing modality suitable for your unique postpartum care
Helping with food preparation and or recipe-finding
Helping with baby while you nap, shower, make phone calls - just give you a moment to have some time for yourself, safe from judgement or guilt
Helping with baby-wearing (and help picking out a good carrier for your needs)
Assisting with older siblings & introducing ways siblings can connect with their new family member
Taking a walk, weather permitting, to figure out how nursing in public might feel
Creating the routine framework for your new family
Talking about things that excite you as a new parent
Email me at Jessica at to set up a time to talk. Or fill out the form below!